Gallery repressed (Borovsk)

Gallery of 20 portraits from photos of repressed citizens Borovsk district was created in the concrete wall in the center of the city of Borovsk in August 2016. The gallery includes portraits of 20 borovchan shot in 1937-1938. Memorial contains the inscription - For whom the bell ringing Borovsk. Gallery was destroyed by vandals in three days after the opening of the memorial. The event caused a wide resonance in the media.
The idea of creating a monument to victims of repression in Borovsk discussed for a long time, but did not receive the support of the local authorities.
The creator of the monument, the artist Vladimir Ovchinnikov for seven years collecting information about the repressed residents Borovsk district in the archives of the Federal Security Service Regional Office.
The gallery includes portraits of 20 borovchan shot in 1937-1938. In those years, 110 people were shot from Borovsk district. In total, the database collected by the artist Vladimir Ovchinnikov, collected more than 200 photos of repressed prison.
An attempt to create a memorial gallery was smashed against the machinations of the Vandals. On the wall in the center of the city killed 20 portraits borovchan with the image Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn did not last two days. The gallery was disfigured methodically and carefully.
The last memorial to repression was opened by the artist in April 2017.
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