Fusion (student movement)

Fusion is a Christian charity that serves, supports and resources churches to welcome and disciple students at university in the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States. It works across all denominations to develop a joined-up theology and action for Christian mission by students and among students. Its mission is to help resource, train and equip those who work with students in church to help all students find a hope in Jesus and a home in the local church.
In all countries globally its main activities are to support the growth of an international movement by equipping students, serving churches and developing student workers. University students are predominantly an un-churched generation, with 2.3 million university students in the UK and19.6million in Europe, with over 1 billion students expected to graduate across Europe in the next 25 years. Fusion identify this as their mission field in which they focus their resources, attention and calling.
Fusion is affiliated to the Evangelical Alliance and has key partnerships with WTC, LICC, Alpha, CARE UK, Christian Aid Collective, Compassion, Soul Survivor, New Wine, The Navigators, Agapé UK, YouVersion and Tearfund.
Fusion was founded in the UK in 1997 and has worked alongside churches from all denominations to support those engaged in student mission in university towns and cities, with the core purpose of inviting students into the adventure story of living as community and intentionally sharing the love of God outwards.
It seeks to support all student mission organisations to reach all students through the local church, including Christian Unions, national and international Christian movements.
The Student Linkup app is a free resource available to all students through their mobile devices. The app enables churches to connect - within a safeguarded environment - to students seeking church before arriving, or when at, university.
Mission Styles is a free-to-all web tool that enables every Christian to understand how they are made to share Jesus, to help understand their personality type in relation to how best to communicate their faith in Jesus.
TryChurch is an evangelistic programme to invite all students at university to try church as part of their university experience, enabling and equipping churches to welcome all students. Churches have connected with Christian students through the Student Linkup app for a generation, and TryChurch (or #TryChurch) has seen the result of thousands of students of no faith being invited to try church, sometimes for the first time in their lives.
A core aspect of student mission is establishing a theological understanding of what it means to be a student. To provide spaces for student workers from churches around the world, from all traditions and denominations, to support one another, share best practice and to train and learn from leading practitioners in their field.
The Graduate Diploma in Kingdom Theology and Student Mission is a collaboration between WTC and Fusion. Designed for student workers who want to invest long term in the call to Student Ministry and aiming to equip them with the practical skills and theological grounding necessary to become established, cutting-edge, professional practitioners.
Fusion UK train and support local church Student Workers in Student Ministry and Mission. With three regional training days with invited specialists in fields that impact student ministry, as well as undertaking Small Group Leader training, Mission Styles training and leadership training during term-time.
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