Friends of Vinh Son Montagnard Orphanage

Friends of Vinh Son Montagnard Orphanage (VSO) - non profit organization coordinating efforts to raise resources for Vinh Son Montagnard Orphanage in Kontum province, Vietnam. Established by Friends of Central Highlands organization and registered in the United States. The orphanage is governed by the Catholic Sisters of the Miraculous Medal, who provide primary and secondary education, teach life skills to ensure the children become self sufficient, give safe environment, food, clothing, shelter and medical care.
There are 4 or 5 facilities that compose the Vinh Son orphanages in and around the city of Kontum. About 450 children resides in these sites(2008).
By the VSO information, $12 is enough for feeding, giving shelter, and educating one child for a month.
The declared purposes
* Successful integration of the orphans into the Vietnamese society being mindful of the political and cultural realities;
* Focus from a humanitarian perspective;
* Funds and in-kind gifts only benefit the orphans and their caregivers;
* Executive Board Members, Board of Directors members, and Members at Large endeavor to expand membership and increase funding;
* Distribution of funds at the direction of the Executive Board and Board of Directors.
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