Fresh Fuzion

Fresh Fuzion is a subculture and a music genre. It’s a fusion of music, fashion, art, and other media. The idea of Fresh Fuzion was created by indie pop artist Jay Criss in 2009 and subsequently became the name of his sophomore album released on July 4, 2010. Fresh Fuzion as a brand came about with the development of the record label Monopoly Media Group. The label was created solely for the promotion, development, and distribution of Fresh Fuzion artists.Persons partaking in Fresh Fuzion subculture alone are generally referred to as fuzers or as fuze boys/girls.  Fuzers are individuals not following any one system, but selecting and using what are considered the best elements of all systems. Artists, like Jay Criss and Wali Lundy, involved in Fresh Fuzion music and media can be referred to as fuzionist or fuzionites. In an attempt at irony, fuzionists employ media they call “Propaganda” to share their ideology that individuals should “rebel” against the “mainstream” propaganda of “oppressive” institutions like religion, corporations, and governments. Fuzer’s and fuzionists tend to value counter-culture, independent thinking, and progressive politics. Fresh Fuzion ideology promotes a somewhat narcissistic approach to life as vanity and fashion play a major role in its music and culture. A paraprofessional understanding of fashion is acceptable amongst the community, as well as, an appreciation of art and indie music.
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