The energy of electromagnetic spectra is emitted as pulses which are represented by their frequencies as discrete packets. Thus, these discrete packets of energy are still waveform in nature and Professor Bahjat Muhyedeen said that "I call each of these discrete packets of energy frequentons to differentiate them from discrete packets of photons which are of particle nature". The same thing can be said for gamma rays and all other rays of the electromagnetic spectrum, which are emitted from nuclear energy levels as energy quanta frequentons. Introduction The nature of Electromagnetic radiation The wave nature of electromagnetic radiation was first mathematically formulated by James Clerk Maxwell in 1861, the Scottish mathematician and theoretical physicist, "On physical lines of force", , and in 1865 “A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field” , and subsequently confirmed by the German physicist and engineer, Heinrich Hertz in 1887. The electric and magnetic fields obey the properties of superposition such as refraction and diffraction. The main aspect of the nature of light is frequency. Electromagnetic radiation carries energy through frequency, which may be important when it interacts with matter through interference. The great success of Max Planck in treating the black body radiation is due to his adaptation of Boltzmann’s idea of statistical interpretation of the second law of thermodynamics in 1877, that the wave consists of discrete packets of energy. So,Planck treated the entropy of the spectrum of monochromatic energy as discrete packets of energy to simplify the treatment in a similar manner to that of kinetic gas theory. He was deeply suspicious of his treatment and said “My unavailing attempts to somehow reintegrate the action quantum into classical theory extended over several years and caused me much trouble.” Really, he was unable to quantize the energy because it is quantized in nature due to its electron-nucleus structure but his treatment was completely correct due to the emitted fixed frequencies of the monochromatic light. Therefore, at that time he did not realize that he had revealed a great fact about the atomic structure from a quantization point of view. Unfortunately these suggested packets of energy (or energy quanta) were misinterpreted by Einstein in 1909, as small zero mass particles which must have well-defined momenta and act in some respects as independent point-like particles and called photons and confirmed that “the energy and momentum of light are concentrated in particles”. This paper introduced the photon concept (although the term itself was introduced by Gilbert N. Lewis in 1926) and inspired the notion of wave-particle duality in quantum mechanics. Actually, Einstein was incorrect and these packets are still waves in nature. This misinterpretation, by Einstein,for discrete packets of energy also lead Compton and to mistakenly believe that light is of dual character. Muhyedeen thinks that, the source of any light whether from sun or from our artificial sources is no more than emission spectra. In this process the electrons of the atoms and molecules absorb energy and becoming excited jump to higher levels and when coming back down release that energy, emitting electromagnetic radiation. These processes of jumping up and falling down will generate a series of waves (like heart pulses) and not a continuous electromagnetic wave. The energy of these pulses is represented by their frequencies. Thus, these discrete packets of energy are still waveform in nature and Muhyedeen called each of the discrete packets of energy as "frequentons" to differentiate them from discrete packets of photons, which are of particle nature. The same thing can be said for gamma rays, which are emitted from nuclear energy levels as energy quanta (frequentons). Subsequently, light does not need an energy carrier, like photons, but it transfers its energy to matter through interference. Muhyedeen said that: “The energy of light that propagates as a ray, is not continuously distributed over steadily increasing spaces, but it consists of a finite number of energy quanta called frequentons which is absorbed and emitted as entities”. In the sun, the source of energy is the nuclear reactions, which emit gamma rays in energy quanta based on the shell model (spin-orbit interaction model) that will strike the atoms of the gases that result in light. This light when entering our atmosphere will strike the electrons of all molecules of gases. Molecules can absorb and emit light through its electrons. Once a molecule has absorbed light (energy), the molecule can, rotate, translate, vibrate, and undergo electronic transition, which leads to a full spectrum due to the electronic, vibrational and rotational energies of the molecules. Notes on photoelectric effect The necessity for finding a concept of particle behavior for electromagnetic radiations was due to the explanation of photoelectric effect. When Einstein interpreted the photoelectric effect phenomenon using the particle concept in light, his work was accepted at that time in 1905 because the nucleus was not yet discovered until the work of Ernest Rutherford in 1911. The fundamental picture of the nucleus was completed in 1934 after the discovery of the neutron. So, in 1905, the picture or vision about the atom was still unclear and how the electrons are bound with the nucleus and move in specific orbits of quantized nature that results in absorption and emission in specific frequencies, based on Bohr model . Einstein’s treatment, that zero mass photons could transfer energy as momentum through impact with electrons must be considered defective. He neglected to account for the kinetic energy generated by the impact on the electrons in the atom of a material, which should be mentioned on the left side of the equation. In addition, he supposed that photons behave as particles and that each photon will transfer its entire energy to each electron. This is strict pure particle behavior and he forgot to account for the wave character that would still work with light so could transfer energy to the electrons through interference of their electromagnetic fields. Muhyedeen interpreted this photoelectric effect phenomenon from the wave point of view, energy frequenton, in which the traveling electromagnetic waves, frequentons, when incident on atomic structures (even in crystal form) will induce oscillation in the atom and result in excitation of the electrons. If the frequency of incident frequenton is equal to or larger than that electron, it will leave the atom with kinetic energy. This process will take place through the interference mechanism (i.e. obey the superposition law, light electric and magnetic vectors with matter produce corresponding vectors of its electrons as simple vector addition). The simplest conception is that a light quantum frequenton will transfer its energy to the electron through interference. In conclusion, Einstein was obliged to use quantized particles]] such as photons to interpret the photoelectric effect phenomenon because he did not realize at that time that electrons are quantized in their energies. The success of Einstein in his treatment was not attributable to the photons proposal but rather for two main reasons: :#The use of Max Planck conversion factor, h and :#The real quantized nature of electrons (i.e. they absorb and emit energy in quantized energies due to the quantized levels of energy). The use of Max Planck conversion factor, h, also lead to the success of the Bohr and Schrödinger theoretical treatments in spite of their using the weak basic concepts such as Coulomb’s law which is correct for a static point charge but not for moving charges like electron, screening effects, exchange integral and others.