
A frarority is a variant of a fraternity or sorority that is coeducational. It shares, generally, the same purposes and goals of these organizations. The term has been used colloquially in blogs and personal web pages, but has not established widespread use in established media to describe coeducational fraternal and cooperative living groups and organizations.


While a fraternity is composed of all male members (or, in the case of some older organizations, all female members) and a sorority is composed solely of female members a frarority is composed of both male and female associates. The name derives from a combination of the derivative words of fraternity and sorority: Frater (Latin, "Brother") and Soror (Latin, "Sister"). As a mixed-gender organization cannot properly call itself by either of these names, the term frarority serves as a bridge to designate this hybrid creation. Some organizations which meet the definition of a frarority prefer to use the term "fraternity" to describe themselves. Mixed-gender organizations of this type are also known by the rarer term "hermaphrority," though this nomenclature is quickly dropping from common parlance for its association to the term hermaphrodite.

One of many examples of a frarority is the business frarority Delta Sigma Pi. Groups have formed fraorities as an alternative to single-sex groups.

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