Francis Lucille

Francis Lucille (born 1944) is a spiritual teacher born in France and currently residing in California, USA as of February 2009.
Early life
Francis after graduating from the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris in 1966, worked as a mathematician and physicist .
His search for truth took over and this search found its resolution through meeting his teacher,John Klien, in 1975.
Jean Klein, a medical doctor and a musicologist was a student of "Panditji" Rao, a college professor who taught sanskrit in Bengalore. Panditji, a spiritual teacher in the tradition of Advaita Vedanta, was the offspring of an ancient lineage of teachers tracing back to Gaudapada, Shankara's guru's guru. His favorite teaching tool was the Mandukya Upanishad and its famous companion, Gaudapada's Karikas.
Jean Klein spent four years in India in the fifties studying with Panditji. During his stay, he also visited several times with the sage Atmananda Krishna Menon, studied the Kashmirian Shivaist tradition with Dibianandapuri, a little known master, and the yoga tradition with Krishnamacharya.
Francis Lucille association with Jean Klein, both as a friend and as a disciple, was very close. He attended almost all of Jean Klein's seminars and lectures in Europe and stayed with him every Summer as guest in Switzerland and in France from 1975 until 1983. During this period Jean Klein introduced him to his friends Wolter Keers and Wei Wu Wei (Terence Gray). Wolter, a Flemish spiritual teacher and writer, was a student of Ramana Maharshi and of Atmananda. Wei Wu Wei is a writer from the Chan Buddhist tradition. In their company, he experienced directly the common ground of the various traditions that underlies their apparent formal differences.
Francis Lucille began teaching informally under Jean Klein's umbrella a few years after a decisive insight he had in 1975. Francis would always refer the students who came to him to his teacher; they became Jean Klein's disciples.
Many years later, in the Summer of 1995, Francis Lucille gave a first series of formal lectures throughout the US. A few months later, Jean Klein suffered a severe stroke which made it impossible for him to continue his teaching activities. Jean Klein died two years later.
He speaks about three things: awareness, our true nature, the Absolute. This is the ancient teaching of nonduality, the common ground of Advaita Vedanta, Ch'an Buddhism, Zen, Taoism and Sufism, the same common ground which is at the core of the message left behind by the founders of all great religions.
He is the author of Eternity Now a book on Advaita.
Stanley Sobottka considers him to be an excellent teacher because the clarity of his answers to questions.
# Eternity Now<ref name="int" />
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