Francesco Fareri

Francesco Fareri, born April 15, 1978 in Rome, Italy, is a guitar player, notable for his extremely fast guitar shredding style. Francesco began playing guitar when he first got an electric guitar at seventeen years old.
Francesco is widely regarded as one of the fastest guitarists in the world today, and has found the majority of his audience through guitar based websites such as 'Shredaholic' and 'The Shred Zone'.
Francesco sweeps 3 beats of an A minor arpeggio at 33nps every chorus of “Suspension”, and the tab was available off of his official site. 12 notes to the beat at 165bpm, thus most likely solidifying him as the fastest shred guitarist.
Francesco Fareri released 3 instrumental solo shred/progressive albums, the last one called SECRETS WITHIN is divided into 2 parts, one shred and the other acoustic just to show better his ideas.
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