Franak Viachorka

Viachorka Francisak (Franak, Francishak) - youth political leader, producer, journalist, student.

Born 26 march 1988 in Minsk, Belarus.
Father - Vincuk Viachorka, leader of oppositional movement, linguist. Mather - teacher, musical producer. Two sisters.


1994 - 2001 Gymnasium for Humanities â„–8, Minsk
2001 - 2005 Belarusan Humanitarian Lyceum named after Jakub Kolas, Minsk. 2003-2005 Lyceum was fonctionning illegally.
2005 -.. Belarusan State University, Faculty of Journalism. Media and Communication
Winner of different Students Olympiads for Humanities.


from 1994 participant of oppositional manifestations against prsident Lukashenka.
2000-2001 - coordinator of elections informational site (
2001-2003 - activist of Young Front (ex. Youth Branch of BPF)
2003 -.. activist of BPF Youth
2005-2006 - director of the website of presidential candidate Milinkevich
2006 -.. member of BPF Party, member of BPF Party board, chaiman of Cultural committee
2007 -... chairman of internet-group in United Democratic Forces.

Social and political activities

2001-2005 Leader of Lyceum Students Selfgovernement. Organisator of Lyceum protests against closing in summer 2003

Member of organisational committees of all oppositional manifestations from 2004. Inititiator of dozens political performances in Minsk.

Cultural activities

Director and producer of musical project "Partyzanaskaja Shkola" (Partisan School), musical compact discs "Ja lublu licej" (I Love Lyceum), "Vieru u Ciabie" (Trust you), "Partyzanaskaja Shkola" (Partisan School), "Piesni Lisouchykau" (Songs of Lisouchyks), "Janka Kupala - 125".

Producer of "Audiobooks in Belarusan" project.

Producer and Manager of "Cinema Dubbing into Belarusan" project. There dubbed Pulp Fiction,
Shrek 2, En Liten Julsaga, Love Actually, V for Vendetta

Member of Association of Belarusan Language named after Francysk Skaryna


Protagonist of the documentary of Miroslaw Dembinski "Lesson of Belarusan".

Actor of the movie "Tutejshyja" made by "Belsat" channel.


2002-2005 Editor of Lyceum newspaper "Trykutnik" (Triangle)
2006 - Correspondent of belarusan informational agency "BelaPAN"
2007 - Co-editor of Youth informational site

Hobbies, interests

Technologies/communication, theatre/cinema, football (soccer), music


Viachorka, Franak
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