Fox Harvard

Fox Harvard is a fashion/editorial/adult photographer who used to shoot freelance for the fashion & adult industry from 1998-2005, and also ran a small non-profit art gallery in central Florida until 2001. He has worked on shoots & crews with photographers such as Bob Richardson and Bruce Webber. His personal and editorial work has been shot in Paris, London, NY, LA, Cancun, and Tokyo, but his primary work is in Florida and New York. His fashion work has been published in the US, the UK, France, Canada, Brazil, and Japan.
Most of his published and personal work over the last few years including File Magazine, Barry Magazine, and hard-back books such as Fleur Dans Toilette, and Nouveau.
Harvard has recently returned to SLR/DSLR: 50-60% of the pictures he's shot between 2005 - 2010 were shot with a simple Canon point-and-shoot with a built-in flash.
Further reading
*Harvard, Fox (2010). File Magazine, NY, NY. ISSN # 1551-4870.
*Harvard, Fox (2010). Barry Magazine, London, UK.
*Harvard, Fox (2010). Fleur Dans Toilette, Blurb Publishers, USA. ISBN # 1202158795017.
*Harvard, Fox (2010). Nouveau, Blurb Publishers, USA. ISBN # 0187221845709.
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