Foster high school band

The Foster High School Band is an award-winning band that has been around since 2001. The band has won over 30 trophies and awards for their efforts. Foster High School is a school that is a part of the Lcisd branch of public schooling. The other high schools are Lamar Consolidated High School, Terry High School, George Ranch High School and Terry High School. Even though the high schools are part of the same district, all of their bands have a different style and technique of marching.
Marching season: During the marching season (which starts around Aug. 22nd) the Foster band starts applying their show onto the field of what they learned during summer band camp. The first competition they have is the Lamar exhibition, which is like a benchmark of how well they learned part or all of their show so far. Then it's Westlake (which was Edna before 2013-14 marching season) competition; then it's regional, and area after regional. Lastly, it's state competition, during their 2013-14 marching season they advanced into state competition; which wasn't achieved previously except for 2007-8 marching season.
Summer band camp:Every year before school 'officially' starts all the band kids gather together to practice their marching technique, tondus, traverses, back-wards march, and frankensteins. This phenomenon lasts 2-3 weeks during late July - early Aug. Towards the end of summer band they have rock-a-thon. (which is an activity that brings the people in band closer together)
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