
FlyA is proposed one of the first low-cost transatlantic Europe-USA airline by Julian Cook(founder of Baboo).
The operations had to be cities of the East USA coast, with European hubs, in countries where the taxes and working staff cost
would be the lowest(however only one of the three countries is considered: Ireland, United Kingdom, Luxembourg, despite
possibilities of the cheaper countries in whole union).
Minimal projected price for one way flight is about 84.11 USD without taxes (for example the Titanic cheapest 3rd class fare was £7 5s, equivalent to £532 today, about 828.11 USD). The key to achieve it would be also fleet of an Airbus A330,
in "low cost narrow seats version" - 400 to 440 passengers, when the usual airlines get aboard about 300 . Also the flight should be faster than 10 hours, resulting in 6-9 hours for transatlantic fly.
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