
Flowergrazer is a little unicorn, a character of the Walter Moers' story The Thirteen and a Half Lives of Captain Bluebear.
He appears for the first (and only) time in the 6th life/chapter of the book.
In this life, the protagonist of the book Bluebear attends his academic career under the teaching of Professor Abdullah Nightingale; initially, his class is composed of 3 students: Bluebear, Qwerty Uiop and Fredda the Alpine Imp but after Fredda leaves the school, Flowergrazer appears as a new student.
In the book only few lines are dedicated to Flowergrazer, thus we know few details of him: we only know that he hardly ever speaks to anyone and in his spare time he loves writing poems about unicorns named Flowergrazer that suffer very much their solitude.
From the original text:

"On returning to the classroom we found Fredda's desk occupied by a newcomer, a timid unicorn named Flowergrazer.
Flowergrazer was as unlike Fredda as anyone could possibly imagine. A quiet, attentive pupil, he spoke in a low, inaudible voice and was boring in the extreme. He devoted his spare time to writing poems, all of which dealt with unicorns who were lonely, deeply distressed by their solitude, and called Flowergrazer."
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