Florent Montaclair

Florent Montaclair (born 1970) is an French linguist and philologist. He earned his PhD in Linguistics and comparative literature in 1995 at the University of La Sorbonne under the supervision of . From 1994 through 2015 he was a Professor in the Department of Linguistics and French Language at , with a joint appointment in Technologies of Communications.
His prolific research in areas of semantics and pragmatics examines topics in reference and noun phrase interpretation, looking at structuralistic influenced aspects of word meaning. He has been pivotal in uniting formal semantics, which adapts analytical techniques from Russian structuralism to comparative literature, and specially American and French literatures. His major work was to unite different aspects of research in literature and arts, to develop the path between theatre and literature, painting and literature, music and literature. His book The Vampire in French romantic literature (1820-1868) shows the influence of fantastic literature on Romanticism and the evolution of the myth of the vampire from east Europe to west Europe, and from novel to theatre.
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Recent works
* Le Vampire dans la littérature et au théâtre
* Jules Verne et l’Utopie ISBN 9782912295255.
* Gypsies in French serial novels .
* Fantastique et événement chez Verne et Lovecraft ISBN 2-251-60621-1.
* Le Vampire dans la littérature romantique française, 1820-1868 ISBN 978-2-84867-306-6.
* Le Naufrage dans l’œuvre de Jules Verne ISBN 2-7384-6546-3.
* L’Epreuve de français au concours pour adulte ISBN 978-2-84867-200-7.
* La Littérature et les arts (Dir.) ISBN 2-91229500-9.
* Ecritures du fantastique en arts et littérature (Dir.) ISBN 2-91229504-1.
* Ecritures du fantastique en littérature et peinture (Dir.) ISBN 2-91229511-4.
* Sciences humaines et arts fantastiques (Dir.) ISBN 2-91229508-4.
* Ecriture des relations entre la littérature et les arts : Ecriture des mythes (Dir.) ISBN 2-912295-27-0.
* Théâtre et sciences (Dir.) ISBN 2-912295-05-X.
* Théâtre et roman-feuilleton (Dir.) ISBN 2-91229507-6.
* Enseignement et démocratie (Dir.) ISBN 2-84093-108-7.
* Gypsies in French imagery : arts and literatures (Dir.)
* Gypsies in European imagery : arts and literatures (Dir.)
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