Flipnote Memo

Flipnote Memo is an Nintendo 3DS application announced by Shigeru Miyamoto to be available for download free of charge through the Nintendo eShop.
The June 6, 2011 update, amongst other things, allowed the 3DS to access the Nintendo eShop and surf the Internet. Flipnote Memo's release date was said to be released on the 30th of June, which it didn't, and there is some talk of it coming out as late as September. It is a successor to the DSiWare equivalent, Flipnote Studio, which is not available for download on 3DS.
Flipnote Memo will have several new colors including but not limited to; green, purple, yellow, orange and brown along with red, blue, and black from Flipnote Studio. There will also be a new variety of paintbrush and stencil options while maintaining several features from Flipnote Studio. It will also have an online service like Flipnote Hatena, which will be seperare from the Flipnote Studio version. It will be free for purchase on the 3DS eShop.
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