Fifth C

Fifth C is a developer and provider of business analytics software for Telecom, Retail, FMCG and Financial Services.
About Fifth C
Fifth C has its headquarters in Bangalore, India and offices in Singapore and London.
Fifth C was founded in 2001 by K. Krishnamohan, an entrepreneur with roots in Silicon Valley technology startups. The company is privately held.
K. Krishnamohan is the CEO of Fifth C. Prior to founding Fifth C, he co-founded Vuent, an enterprise software company in Sunnyvale, CA backed by Silicon Valley venture capital. Prior to that he was an early team member of startups Rambus (Los Altos, CA) and NexGen (San Jose, CA) both of which had successful listings on the Nasdaq. He started his career with Intel working on the microprocessor architecture of their new generation computing platforms. Krishnamohan graduated with a Masters (Computer Science) from the University of Texas and completed his undergraduate degree in Electronics from BITS, Pilani. He has 4 US patents in computing system algorithms.
David Thomas is a Director of Fifth C. He was the Chairman/CEO of the Procter and Gamble (P&G) company for India and South Asian operations and Vice President of Strategy and New Business, Hair Care for P&G Global.
Vinay Desphande is a Director of Fifth C. He is founder/CEO of Encore Software, inventor of the Simputer handheld. Vinay has been recognized as a World Economic Technology Pioneer (2001, 2002). He has an MS (Electrical) from Stanford University.
Jagdish Kini is a Director of Fifth C. He is a veteran of the Indian mobile telecom market and was Executive Director of Airtel, the largest mobile telecom operator in India. Prior to that he was the CEO of Gillette, India and was senior executive of L'Oreal and P&G, India. Jagdish has an AMP from INSEAD, Paris.
Hans Mathews is Chief Scientist of Fifth C and an expert in mathematical modeling. He completed his Ph.D. (Mathematical Sciences) from the University of Wisconsin, Madison and has a Bachelors (Philosophy) from the University of Southern California.
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