Female Nude Wrestling

Female Nude Wrestling, sometimes also called Naked Women Wrestling, is a form of amateur or semi-professional wrestling. Like the usual Greco-Roman wrestling style, it involves both stand-up and ground grappling, and has ancient roots.
The techniques and rules are also predominantly the same. As a rule a match is won when both of the opponent's shoulders touch the mat. Unlike Greco-Roman wrestling, "Weight classes" or local/national divisions designed to equalize the competitors are rare. In difference to ancient times nowadays the counterpart Naked Male Wrestling plays a insignificant role only.
This kind of sport is promoted e.g. by Danube Women Wrestling with focus in Europe and in North-America in particular by Naked Women's Wrestling League, till 2008 also the Women's Extreme Wrestling promotion.
Generally nude wrestling was practiced in antiquity. In ancient Greece all Olympic sports, including wrestling (Greek: pale) were performed nude, but exclusively by men only. Female nude wrestling is a modern variation upon this and stands in tradition but in any way also in contrast to the classical rings, that was done by male ringers exclusively. In a sense, female nude wrestling can be considered as an example of present-day attitudes regarding the equality of men and women.
Female nude wrestlers need strength, stamina, and knowledge of effective wrestling techniques. Nonetheless, nude wrestling, the female version even more does not enjoy the same sense of legitimacy Greco-Roman wrestling has known.
Famous female nude wrestlers are Shannon Spruill, Vanessa Sanchez, Tímea Vágvölgyi and April Hunter.
This supports not at least the economic motives for the marketing of the films and records that deal with nude wrestling contest. But the participants do not engage in any kind of sexual activity during a match. An occasional and seemingly shameless presentation of the female pubic zone is not intentional; actions like spreading the legs occur during all wrestling competitions and are a consequence of wrestling technique. And these actions happen more frequently when at the end of a fight the opponents are physically exhausted, what affects naturally their sense of shame.
Accordingly female nude wrestling should not be confused with "Mud wrestling" or "Catfighting", as the latter focuses less on athleticism and more on the sexual gratification of the audience. Female wrestlers are encouraged to oil themselves, which increases the difficulty of a match. Female Nude Wrestling is a variation of nudism movement, in particular nudity in sport and contrasts with exhibitionism, in which the exposure is connected with sexual expression.
Female Nude Wrestling is certainly still a minority sport, however it is not irrelevant. E.g. for the DWW company all in all 500 fighters are active.
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