
Feedbackly (Tapin Solutions ltd.) is a Finnish technology company that is specialized in providing a SaaS (Software as a service) platform for customer experience (CX) measurement, analytics, sales and marketing optimization. The company was founded in Turku in 2012 by Jaakko Männistö, Joonatan Voltti and Joonas Hamunen.
The company has it Headquarters in Helsinki, Finland. The CEO of the company, Jaakko Männistö is also the vice Chairman at Suomen Yrittäjät and involved with other companies such as Profea ltd and Statiivi ltd. The founders had their education from the Turku School of Economics.
Feedbackly and it's founders have attended multiple business incubators in its formative years. The company has been involved with Creve, Boost and Tekes. Feedbackly started their business by building software for feedback measurement kiosks intended for retail stores. More recently, they create and develop a variety of multichannel analytics tools for marketing and sales optimization. Their main target customer are in Retail, FMCG, Services and eCommerce.
During the past few years they have been expanding their business and have established operations e.g. in Mexico. For example the company has provided information about retail shops opening hours and analytics on the effect to the business in Finland. In 2016 the company expanded by acquiring their competitors customer base to strengthen their position on the market. After the deal they were planning on expanding to Sweden, UK and Mexico. The company already has had many big names in Finland as customer such as Kesko, XXL, Hesburger and Finnavia
Currently operating with a SaaS business model, Feedbackly offers their CX measurement software with a freemium strategy consisting of 3 tiers, including a custom service for larger companies. This software is intended to work in conjunction with an iPad app, which is used as a feedback collection device at customer touch points. While the Feedback kiosks focus on one sales channel, Feedbackly offers a variety of options for both online and offline feedback collection. For offline feedback collection, it is possible to integrate feedback collection.*Payment processor integration
More information
Feedbackly has offices in Helsinki, Turku and Mexico City.
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