Fathom Five (comics)

The Fathom Five are a team of fictional sea-dwelling terrorists appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The team is partially composed of previously existing characters. They debuted in the first few issues of the ' and have fought Namor and Warbird.
Fictional team history
Fathom Five is an extremist group of Atlanteans seeking to destroy the humans. The group is composed of five members: Bloodtide, Dragonrider, Llyron, Manowar and Sea Leopard. They attacked Beijing before turning their attention to New York City. They were defeated by the newly reassembled Thunderbolts. They retreated to the sea and regrouped near Atlantis where they affronted and defeated some Atlantean troops sent by Namor to stop them.
Fathom Five attacked New York a second time. One of Dragonrider's beasts destroyed the Brooklyn Bridge. Fathom Five battle again with the Thunderbolts, helped by Warbird, and was defeated by them. Llyron and Sea Leopard managed to escape. Bloodtide, Dragonrider and Manowar were taken into custody.
Bloodtide and Manowar later appear as members of Namor's Defenders of the Deep. When the Defenders of the Deep were sinking Russian submarines, the Avengers fought the Defenders of the Deep until the Winter Guard showed up. Manowar was killed by Crimson Dynamo.
Bloodtide is a supervillain of Atlantean heritage, a Homo mermanus, who first appeared in New Thunderbolts #1 (January, 2005). Bloodtide's body was "ravaged by pollutants," mutating her, giving her superhuman powers. She has white eyes which lack a visible iris, white hair and turquoise skin color. She is a foe of Namor.
Bloodtide possesses the power to control the flow of water and can use it to propel forceful hard-water blasts of water, and to transport her and others through the air.
Dragonrider was a sentinel in the Atlanean army who became a political dissident and rebel after seeing how her people remained poor while the rulers became more rich. She and her rebels sought mystic artifacts to empower themselves, and Dragonrider gained a mystic conch shell that would allow her to control sea creatures, and a sea eel that had been mutated into a dragon. The character first appeared in Sub-Mariner #1 (1984).
Manowar appears for the first time in Fantastic Four Unlimited #11 (September, 1995). He looks like a jellyfish and can operate in air and water. The source of his powers is unknown. He seems to be able to make his form grow in order to engulf his opponents. His body possesses multiple tentacles which allow him to grab and hold his enemies. Manowar can produce twenty thousand volts of electricity through his membranous form.
Sea Leopard
Sea Leopard is a part of Lemuria's telepathic sector called the Ancients who reside in Antarctica. He has fought Namor twice with the second time being with Black Moray. Besides having telepathy, Sea Leopard has claws and a prehensile tail.
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