Fabien Duchene

Fabien Duchene is a computer security researcher, entrepreneur and hacker.
In the past, he has been working at INRIA, Microsoft, Sogeti.
Duchene holds a Ph.D. in Computer Security Testing.
Duchene is best known for his work in the fuzzing and computer security fields. His most notable research contributions include the application of evolutionary algorithms for black-box fuzzing for memory corruption vulnerabilities and for web command injection vulnerabilities.
He is also known to have discovered multiple security flaws in products such as Microsoft Windows, Google Android, , VideoLan VLC.
Duchene also had been a frequent speaker at various computer security conferences such as Black Hat, SyScan,
IEEE Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WRCE),
IEEE International Conference on Software Testing (ICST),
Hack In The Box,
He served in the review board of
HITB, IEEE S&P LangSec, Springer Journal in Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques.
He created the GreHack, International Symposium on Research in Grey-Hat Hacking.
Duchene popularized computer hacking, explaining about how French administrations likely do protect themselves
, how to hire the best hackers,
what are the risks of uncoordinated random pseudo hackers leading their own cyberwar potentially hurting current government operations.
Notable awards:
* 2014, Sec-T Best Paper Award
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