Fabian Persson

Fabian Persson, Ph.D (born June 28, 1969) is a Swedish historian who serves as a lecturer (universitetslektor) at the University College of Kalmar. In 1999, he defended his doctoral dissertation at Lund University, Servants of Fortune. The Swedish court between 1598 and 1721, a prosopographical study of the 1,900 members of the nobility who served at the court during the period. The book compares the development of the Swedish court to those of the neighbouring countries, especially Prussia and Denmark. Persson has also published a number of articles and book chapters in Swedish and foreign publications.

*Servants of fortune: the Swedish court between 1598 and 1721 (Lund,1999) ISBN:91-628-3340-5
*Reviews of Servants of fortune:
**by Björn Asker, in Scandia, 1999 (65), p. 297-299
**by Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen, Historisk Tidsskrift (Copenhagen), 2000 (100), p. 215-217
**by Jan Samuelson, in: Karolinska förbundets årsbok, 2000, p. 277-279
**by David Kirby, in The American Historical Review, Vol. 105, No. 1. (Feb., 2000), p. 302
**by Helmut Backhaus, in Historische Zeitschrift Vol. 273 (2000), p. 204

Articles (selection)
*"Att leva på hoppet - om den misslyckade klienten". Historisk tidskrift 1992 (112), s. -329
*"Bättre livlös än ärelös : symbolik och sociala funktioner i stormaktstidens dueller", Scandia 1999 (65), s. 21-36
*"'Dog utlefwad cammarfröken' : det svenska hovfruntimret under stormaktstiden", in Jämmerdal och fröjdesal, ed. Eva Österberg. Stockholm: Atlantis, 1997 (ISBN 91-7486-355-X) p. 306-
*"En hjälpande hand : principiella aspekter på patronage i förhållande till nepotism och meritokrati under stormaktstiden", Scandia, 1993 (59), p. -70, 139-140
*"I hopen av de ödmjuka ansikten : klient-patronskapet under stormaktstiden", in: Tid och tillit : en vänbok till Eva Österberg, 2002. ISBN 91-7486-707-5 ; p. 389-, 458-
*"The kingdom of Sweden : the courts of the Vasas and palatines, c. 1523-1751", The princely courts of Europe, edited by John Adamson. - London : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1999. (ISBN 0-297-83653-6), p. 275-293
*"Pagen på tröskeln", in: På historiens slagfält : en festskrift tillägnad Sverker Oredsson. 2002. (ISBN 91-631-3104-8) p. 29-43
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