Evangelos Katsioulis

Evangelos Georgiou Katsioulis (; born 19 January 1976) is a physician specializing in psychiatry. He currently lives and works in Thessaloniki, Greece.
Katsioulis is known for his high intelligence test scores. There are several reports that he has achieved the highest scores ever recorded on IQ tests designed to measure exceptional intelligence. Katsioulis has a reported IQ of 205 on the Stanford-Binet scale with standard deviation (sd) 16, which is equivalent to an IQ of 198.4 on the Wechsler scale with sd 15, which is also equivalent to an IQ of 258 on the Cattell scale with sd 24.
He is the founder of the World Intelligence Network (WIN), an international organization of high IQ societies and of the organization AAAA.GR, a pioneer voluntary team for the detection and support of gifted individuals in Greece.
Academic development
He graduated from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Medicine in 2000.
He completed the following postgraduate studies:
* MSc in Medical Research & Technology in the School of Medicine of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2003.
* MA in Philosophy in the Faculty of Philosophy of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2012.
He is a PhD candidate in Psychopharmacology in the Medical biology and Genetics Department of the School of Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Medical experience
General practitioner
Following his graduation from the School of Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, he was appointed as a General Practitioner in the Primary Health Centre of Giannades in Corfu, Greece, where he worked from 2000 to 2001.
During his military service, he was appointed as General Practitioner in the Hellenic Army working in Edessa and Evros, Greece from 2003 to 2004.
Radiation oncology
Katsioulis was a Senior house officer in Radiation oncology in the Theageneio Anti-Cancer Hospital of Thessaloniki from 2001 to 2003.
Evangelos was appointed as a Senior house officer in Neurology in the Papageorgiou General Hospital of Thessaloniki from 2011 to 2012.
He was appointed as a Senior house officer in Psychiatry in London working for the Charing Cross Scheme in Psychiatry from 2005 to 2007. He completed his medical specialization in Psychiatry in the Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki.
Scientific research
During his PhD in Psychopharmacology in the School of Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Katsioulis contributed on the cytogenetic research of the genotoxicity of the Benzodiazepines and of the antipsychotic medication
Forensic psychiatry
While he was trained in forensic psychiatry in the Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki, Greece, Katsioulis worked as a member of a multidisciplinary team to the research on weapon used by the not guilty by reason of insanity patients and the dangerousness of the Not guilty by reason of insanity patients, the profile of the female Not guilty by reason of insanity patients, the history, the goals, some reservations, and the transformation of the department and the changes in the legislation.
In 2012, Dr Katsioulis was an honorary speaker to the 12 Asia - Pacific Conference on Giftedness about child giftedness, where he announced the creation of the IQID, Child IQ Society and the conclusions of the first 11 years of function of the World Intelligence Network.
During his specialization in neurology he participated in research on acute disseminated encephalomyelitis and myoclonic dystonia
As an associate of the Nephrology Ward of the AHEPA University Hospital in Thessaloniki, Katsioulis contributed to the research on renal fibrosis
During his specialization in Oncology, Dr Katsioulis contributed to the research on the Breast Cancer in males, on the primary non-operable Glioblastoma, and on the Cervix cancer.
Katsioulis is the author of articles and television screenplays and he was the founder of organizations and communities.
He published articles where he expressed his thoughts about society, philosophy, intelligence, anxiety, depression and modern lifestyle.
Dr Katsioulis has completed the following screenplays:
* ELLHNAS.COM (2008), a company of young people is formed in a Greek island,
* TI REI (2009), a projection of the modern everyday life to the Ancient Greece.
As a High School student, Katsioulis participated in the 1989 Greek national contest in Mathematics organized by the Greek Mathematical Association and his performance in the contest was the third best in Thessaloniki, Greece.
In the 1993 Greek National exams he scored 150/160 in Physics. He was among the 16 candidates of the 1st and 2nd Division which excelled in Physics that year and he was 1 of the 6 successful candidates out of a total of 11,000 participants of the 2nd Division which entered with their first attempt in the School of Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Katsioulis has been an active member of numerous High IQ Societies since 2001. Katsioulis has a reported IQ of 205 on the Stanford-Binet scale with standard deviation (sd) 16, which is equivalent to an IQ of 198.4 on the Wechsler scale with sd 15, which is also equivalent to an IQ of 258 on the Cattell scale with sd 24.
In 2003 Katsioulis ranked first in the international Non-Verbal Cognitive Performance Examination - Revised (NVCP-R) IQ contest organized by the Cerebrals Society with a raw performance of 49/54. His raw score was interpreted with an IQ 205 on the Stanford-Binet scale with sd 16.
Since 2003 Katsioulis has been a member of the Giga Society and the Esoteriq Society, which require for the members a performance of an IQ 196 on the Stanford-Binet scale with sd 16. Supposing a Gaussian, normal distribution of the IQ scores in the general population, this performance is statistically expected to be achieved by only 1 individual out of 1,000,000,000 of the unselected population.
In 2009 Katsioulis ranked first among the participants in the international IQ contest organized by the Cerebrals Society with a raw score of 93/100.
In 2012 Katsioulis ranked first in the international list of top IQ scorers.
Dr Katsioulis participated in a genetics research focused on the detection of genes related to high intelligence organized by the Greenwood Genetic Center in 2009.
In January 2013, Dr Katsioulis became the first member of the Evangeliq Society which has a minimum entrance requirement of an IQ 205, sd 16, which is statistically expected to be achieved only by 1 individual out of 38,000,000,000 of the unselected population.
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