European Foundation for Urology

The EFU - European Foundation for Urology (german Europäische Stiftung für Urologie) is a non-profit foundation with legal capacity under civil law. Since its establishment in 2005, the foundation is located in Heidelberg.
The European Foundation of Urology is an independent foundation under private law, according to the laws governing foundations in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg. It is an unrestricted legal entity, which, internally and externally, must exclusively pursue the mission defined in its bylaws.
The European Foundation of Urology's managerial and representative bodies report to the executive Board who are appointed and removed by chairman of the borad and the board of trustees.
Members of the board
* Markus Hohenfellner
* Alexander Pahernik
Board of trustees
* Bernd Leukert
* Günter Netzer
* Arndt Overlack
* Winfried Rothermel
* Bernd Schneidmüller
* Katrin Tönshoff
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