
EurActiv is an online media dedicated to EU news and policy debates, providing free in-depth information on EU affairs to more than 675.000 readers in 15 languages.
EurActiv's Editorial Mission defines its guiding principles as 'efficiency', 'transparency' and 'balance' in reporting EU news and policy debates in 15 languages.
In addition to the news reporting, EurActiv differentiates itself to other EU specialized media by providing policy reporting upstream of EU-policy proposals, becoming a monitoring tool that allows interested actors to follow policies from the pre-legislative phase to their implementation, and mapping the positions of all stakeholders involved at key moments in the debate.
EurActiv publishes in 15 languages: Bulgarian, Czech, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Lithuanian, Montenegrin, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish and Turkish.
History and organisation
EurActiv was founded in 1999 by Christophe Leclercq with the objective to work towards "Efficacité et Transparence des Acteurs Européens", enabling quick access to EU-policy news and stakeholder positions, while highlighting the different positions before policy decisions are being made.
EurActiv is organised as a European Media Network, with network partners in 15 European capitals who publish about EU news and policy debates.
EurActiv Network
EurActiv Network websites and their network affiliation:
*, Core network member
*, Core network member
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*, Associate network member
*, Associate network member
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*, ssociate network member
*, Syndication partner
Foundation EurActiv PoliTech
Fondation EurActiv became a public service foundation by Belgian Royal Decree eight years after its initial establishment, dedicated to hosting and training independent media. Its official name was changed to "Fondation EurActiv Politech" in recognition of the integration of Politech Institute AISBL from 1 January 2011.
The Foundation acts primarily to bring together individuals and organisations seeking to shape or influence European Union policies, through hosting media & supporting media independence; EU journalism fellowship and other trainings; and Online EU Community & Social Media activities and projects.
Fondation EurActiv poliTech is guided by an Orientation Committee composed of between five and forty members, and by a smaller management board composed in a majority by members of the Orientation Committee.
Circulation statistics
EurActiv had 675.089 monthly readers (unique visitors) and 3.069.568 monthly page views (2012 figures, averaged monthly) in 2012.
EurActiv targets EU policy and business actors, journalists, NGO and other multipliers across Europe. Gallup did a CrossLingual Readership Survey in 2010 and listed the following readership categories:
* Politics - Government : 14%
* Politics - EU Institutions : 10%
* Business - Corporate : 13%
* Business - Consulting : 8%
* Business - Federations : 4%
* Business - Other : 9%
* Multipliers - Education/research & think tanks : 25%
* Multipliers - Media : 11%
* Multipliers - NGOs : 7%
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