The Electronic Textbook Track Number (ETTN) is a unique numeric identifier of Electronic-books, journals and conference proceedings. ETTN is based upon 13-digit code created by Magnanimitas Assn.
ETTN Codes can be used only for electronic text files. Any publisher, university, researcher or academician could ask for unique code for his/her electronic text generated by Magnanimitas Assn.
ETTN Code consists of 5 parts - AAA-BB-CCCCC-DD-F
* AAA (3-digit) is classified by the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) and shows the focus of text
* BB (2-digit) - the year of ETTN generating for a text
* CCCCC (5-digit) - special identification code for text
* DD (2-digit) - month of ETTN generating for a text
* F (1-digit) - check digit
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