ERG Renew

ERG Renew is the renewable energy source subsidiary of the Italian multi-energy company ERG Group. It was acquired in a takeover bid on 30 June 2010. It operates wind generators in Italy and France, photovoltaics, and water services.
Wind farms
ERG Renew operates in the sector of the generation of electricity from renewable sources and at 30 September 2011 had a capacity of 520 MW in commercial operation, almost all in the wind sector, of which 158 MW was in Apulia, 112 in Campania, 98 in Calabria, 40 in Molise, 38 in Sicily, 9 in Lazio, 2 in Liguria, and 64 in France. After the completion of the Fossa del Lupo wind farm, in operation since 1 July 2011, with 97.5 MW of power, and the acquisition of ERG Eolica Campania (111.8 MW) it was also completing a wind farm in Ginestra of 40 MW, planned to start commercial operation later in 2011, and in the second half of September it started work for the construction of a wind farm in Amaroni (22.5 MW), expected to start generating power by the end of 2012.

In France, ERG Renew operates through its subsidiary ERG Eolienne France S.a.s. and has six wind farms with a total capacity of 64.4 MW
*Lihus (Oise): 11.5 MW
*Hetomesnil (Oise): 11.5 MW
*La Bruyère (Beauce): 11.5 MW
*Le Carreau (Beauce): 9.2 MW
*Les Mardeux (Beauce): 11.5 MW
*Plogastel (Brittany): 9.2 MW
The firm has also executed a memorandum of understanding for the acquisition of a company named Eoliennes de Greneville, which has plans to build a 20 MW wind farm south of Paris.
Other operations
The firm participates in a next generation solar organic photovoltaics research and development project in partnership with Permasteelisa, Dyesol and several Italian universities. It also operates a traditional 1 MW plant in Priolo, Sicily.
The firm engages in industrial waste treatment through its subsidiary SODAI Italia S.p.A.
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