Eracent Inc. is a company specializing in IT management software which allows organizations to manage IT assets. Established in 2000, Eracent is headquartered in Ottsville, Pennsylvania, United States. Eracent has numerous customers managing millions of Window, UNIX Linux servers, desktops and laptops.
Corporate history
Eracent was started in 2000 by Walt Szablowski, Marc Henness and Terry Palmieri.
Eracent developers provided clients with an automated means to inventory the entire scope of IT assets deployed across the networks worldwide.
Since 2000, Eracent has been offering a numerous versions of the discovery software that was successfully deployed. It was offered for license on the open market as EnterpriseAM. Today Eracent's average customer has over 20,000 computers in their networks and Eracent's largest customers have over 250,000 client systems in their networks.
Eracent continues to develop software. As Eracent's core competence is in the area of large scale IT asset management technology, the company provides products that interface and interoperate with other network solutions.
Main products and services
Auto Discovery and Inventory
Eracent has both Agent Based and Agentless solutions. This includes discovering all IP based devices. The resultant data is used for auditing, security, change management and patch management of software.
Asset Repository, CMDB and CMS
Eracent has IT Lifecycle Asset Management and software that allows organizations to keep track of physical IT hardware and software assets and associated contractual and licensing issues as well as supporting ITIL v3, ITSM and CMS.
License and Entitlements Management
Eracent offers a License and Entitlements Management product that automates the process of determining software licenses. Eracent was the first company to develop an automated License and Entitlements Management Process and continues to maintain the development lead in this category.
Server and infrastructure
Server management and IT infrastructure management includes the utilization of server hardware and business applications.
Similar products
* CA IT Client Manager
* Novell Zenworks
* Avocent LANDesk Management Suite 6.5
* Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)
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