Entrepreneur 2.0

It is a term that refers to a new generation of entrepreneurs and suggests a substantial change in the characteristics of now-days (2010) entrepreneurs called Google Generation. Name used for a 2nd type of entrepreneur is much more agile that unlike business entrepreneurs and more common and more traditional training or a type of entrepreneurial thinking less dynamic.
The term is very new to the late date of May 2010.
The phenomenon of , the crowdsourcing, the phenomenon of viral marketing and other events in the world of the Internet have created a whole new generation of people with radically different ways of thinking, with unsuspected and even incomprehensible capacity for many more experienced entrepreneurs or businessmen.
Characteristics of an Entrepreneur 2.0
As was the case with the term "web 2.0", its definition is not precise. The broad concepts and describing social phenomena in general are not entirely precise. And not that they are required to understand it. It is understood that an entrepreneur 2.0 (entrepreneur and businessman might be used interchangeably in Spanish language) has at least most of these features:
* Dynamism.
* Broad understanding of Internet technology.
* Casualness or informality.
* Thought open to change.
* Self-taught.
* Quick learning.
* Adventurous.
* Expert in several technology websites (blogs, SEO, AdWords, viral marketing, etc.).
* Ability to adapt to very different social environments.
* Difficulties in memory.
* Very high research capacity.
* Ability to keep abreast of news in several different areas.
* Continuous Internet connection.
* Believing in free thought.
* Social Intelligence highly developed.
* Systems thinking.
* Creativity limited to logical schemes (not "type artists" though ingenious)
Reasons behind the term
Progress in technology and drive technology entrepreneurs is in a great majority of cases hampered by the scarcity of capital to start innovative projects, specially outside the USA, where exceptional creativity occurs due to high efforts in quality education and the impulse of the developing countries. Thus, entrepreneurs are faced with raising capital from older people or business experienced men, who in many cases are not able to understand the ideas that a "new kind of entrepreneur" envisions, nor the business opportunities arising from the latest technologies that are not yet known by the majority. That is why new entrepreneurs differ substantially from their more experienced colleagues comes and thus the term entrepreneur and 2.0.
It is clear that an entrepreneur for whom it is completely natural the whole Internet environment, has a way of thinking and acting very different to that of people who are not Internet users intensively or for whom the Internet was not part of their early ages. Several socio-technological phenomena taken together are creating a new generation of users (Google Generation, called by marketers), within which the entrepreneurs are a category. These phenomena include the Internet and its continuous change feature, as well as the significant changes that allowed the emergence of the concept web 2.0 and mobile telephony, the gap and loss of quality of traditional education that leads to a spirit self-taught.
The entrepreneur 2.0 term suggest to be confined, as a concept, to businesses on the Internet. However, the Internet is a means of communication and life projects of a "real" entrepreneur need not be confined to these "virtual" world. What is important in the concept are the ways of thinking and finding solutions, speed and agility or capacity to act in a chaotic environment that could overwhelm the others.
Term Source
It was known that Rodney Cullen, entrepreneur in Spain and founding partner of gafasdesol.com who first used the term in a clever campaign that some think that it was to promote myself and others think it was just a funny game typical of the geniuses of the industry.
The term itself comes to mean at least two things:
*The familiarity of the entrepreneur with the technologies of Web 2.0 (the entrepreneur is continually updated).
*The typical evolution of the entrepreneur, who has entered a new phase of its development as an entrepreneur.
The term was used in the blog that contained nothing more than an open letter. While it had a sort of curriculum vitae very unusual describing exactly what might be the first definition for the term, it is also true that included phrases of invitation to the Spanish businessman Carlos Blanco to contact him.
The people landed at the page from a google ad that exposed a funny joke: Carlos Blanco was posting in his own blog we wanted to find people, but Rodney Cullen used the searches about "Carlos Blanco" to be found himself. He did it in a funny style writing.
Such actions can not be placed in one category, whose intentions are double or multiple, are characteristic of the evolution that has led the web 2.0.
The naturalness, spontaneity, speed of action, the artwork used, the ingenious use of multiple technologies simultaneously in a converged for a single purpose, are features that let you draw a psychological profile of these "entrepreneurs 2.0."
Concepts Incorporated
The experiment included:
* Viral marketing
* Technology blogs
* Adwords Campaign

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