English Premier League Fantasy Football

English Premier League Fantasy Football is an online games category. It lets fans manage their own squad of real Premier League players. Based on the results of the EPL match days, the managers earn points. Aim of the game is to earn more points than everyone else in a league of players.
The Fantasy Football principle explained in just 4 bullet points:
* Buy and manage your own team of Premier League players on the transfer market
* Select a line-up each match day and earn points based on the players’ real-life performance
* Trade your players with other managers on the transfer market
* Win the game if your team earns more points than the others
Review of Games
There is a multitude of options to play fantasy football based on the English Premier League. A good overview is given by the forum Fantasy Football Scout. To give a brief overview just some of the games are listed here:
Fantasy Football by the Barclays English Premier League
Fantasy League by Fantasy League Limited
KAISER by Ligaro Limited
Ubecha by Social Betworking
Review of Barclays Premier League Game
This game is great for starters. Its easy to set up and play. And it is completely free. However, more experienced players might find it boring after a while.
Review of FantasyLeague.com
This game is great for starters and professionals. Its easy to set up and play. At times it may seem a little complicated to set up but it offers lots of options and settings.
Review of Kaiser Kaiser.co.uk
This game is great for starters and professionals. Its easy to set up and free to play in the starter version. There are 3 main difference compared to the other games:
# Unique teams: Players exist only once per league. Hence, all teams in a league are completely different
# The player trading on the transfer market has little restrictions
# Player scores are based on OPTA scores which are based on computer analysis and hence fully objective
# Leagues can be transferred to the next season
The PRO version in a season.
Review of Ubecha.com
This game is great for starters and professionals. Its easy to set up and play. In addition, it offers the opportunity to combine managing your own squad with betting on football results.
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