is a network of educators interested in energy production and use. It is also the name of the website of the organization. The full corporate name is Inc. was incorporated in Massachusetts in 2004. It is governed by a board of 3 directors, and run by one person, who acts as president, treasurer, and clerk. The organization is a public charity, designated 501(c)(3) by the IRS in 2005.
* A newsletter is mailed to hundreds of teachers around the world, but mostly in Massachusetts and New York.
* Windy Schor and Solar Sierra discuss renewable energy and related issues in Second Life at a virtual "Sustainable Energy Science Lab."
* The organization offers presentations on solar cooking at schools and conferences.
* The Green Dollhouse Challenge started in Massachusetts in 2012.
Related organizations
*National Energy Education Development Project.
*KidWind, of St. Paul, Minnesota, offers teachers help with wind curriculum.
*Energy Quest
*Florida Solar Energy Center
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