
Endermen are fictional enemies in the PC video game Minecraft. They have purple eyes that glow, and are unofficially associated with the memetic character Herobrine, who has the appearance of the player with white glowing eyes. Endermen have the capacity to take blocks away in areas and place them in another nearby location.
Endermen are passive mobs when they spawn but this changes when they notice a player looking at them. At this point they will freeze until the player looks away. It is then that the Endermen will become aggressive; moving at speeds far greater than before and surpassing that of all other known mobs. This trait is allegedly inspired from the Weeping Angels from the TV series Doctor Who.
When crossing water or lava, they die. Once killed, they have a chance dropping an Ender Pearl, which can have one use to teleport the player to a nearby location; most useful getting across trenches and cliffs, but it takes two-and-a-half hearts away from the player. The Endermen has a Nether portal-ish spark around him.
As a way of griefing, the player can lure the Endermen to a house, camp or site, and leave. They will eventually start acting out their standard routine of rearranging blocks until killed, either by the player, the environment, or changing the game mode to the peaceful setting. As a problem, the griefer will not be caught, but the blocks could be easily fixed, depending on the severity. The End, another realm in Minecraft introduced in 1.9 Pre-Release 1, is the native home of the Endermen, but is not confined to this one realm.
The Endermen were originally called Farlanders, due to the poll on The Minecraft Forum.
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