Eliyahu Comay

Eliyahu Comay, (born 12 February 1932) is an Israeli theoretical physicist, who published in the fields of classical electrodynamics, quantum mechanics and particle physics. His main works contradict the Standard Model and did not receive worldwide acceptance.
Main discoveries in theoretical physics
Alternative model to the strong force
Comay published in 1984 a Regular Charge Monopole Theory, that explains magnetic monopoles using a basis which differs from . This theory can be derived from a regular Lagrangian density. It proves that electric charges do not interact directly with magnetic monopoles but photons do interact with both electric charges and magnetic monopoles. This result fits the respective experimental results of electrons and hard photons interaction with nucleons. For this reason, it provides a motivation for regarding strong interactions as interactions between monopoles obeying the regular charge-monopole theory. In 2012 Comay published a review article that summarizes his theory about the strong interactions.
===Explaining the quantum states of Delta++ and Omega- without color force===
Comay claims that the quantum state of quarks in baryons is described as a superposition of multiple configuration similarly to the electrons in the atomic shells. This approach enabled him to show that the quantum state of particles like or omega- can be described without color force. Historically, one of the main motivations to invent the colors in the frame of Quantum Chromodynamics in the 1960s was to be able to describe the properties of these particles.
Explaining the proton spin crisis
Furthermore, Comay showed that the configuration approach explains the paradox called the "proton spin crisis". The reason is that multiple configurations lead to cancellation of a major part of the contribution of the quarks’ spin to the total angular momentum of the proton, because the spin is coupled to the spatial angular momentum and in different terms it takes opposite directions. It turns out that the system also contains a mechanical momentum that stems from a pressure gradient found in a rotating charged liquid that serves as a source for the system's magnetic field.
Contradicting Klein-Gordon equation
The Klein-Gordon equation is used as an important tool for describing
principles of Quantum Field Theory of massive spinless particles.
Comay published a series of articles claiming that a field of this kind cannot exist. He has also shown that a genuine particle described by a quantum mechanical field function, must be pointlike. Therefore, pions are not Klein-Gordon particles. Paul Dirac also denied this equation throughout his entire life.
The Higgs boson does not exist
In 2009 Comay has shown that the equation of the Higgs Boson suffers from the same inconsistencies as those of the Klein-Gordon equation. On this basis he claimed that a genuine Higgs boson cannot exist. According to the Standard Model, the Higgs boson is supposed to be found in the LHC experiments. After the LHC announcement about the new particle in July 4, 2012, Comay claimed that the new particle is a top-antitop meson. His main argument was that a particle can disintegrate into two photons if and only if it is a composite of a spin-1/2 charged particle and its anti-particle. He also suggested a test that would decide whether the new particle may be the Higgs boson or a top-antitop meson.
Alternative explanations of Aharonov-Bohm effect
Aharonov and Bohm published in 1959 a theory based on topology that predicts two effects: the magnetic AB effect and the electric AB effect. Comay published in 1987 an article that claims that the electric effect cannot exist. He claimed that the derivation of this effect is inconsistent with fundamental principles and it leads to a violation of energy conservation. He also provided an alternative explanation to the magnetic effect that does not use topology. This outcome means that the magnetic AB effect does not prove that topology is an inherent property of quantum mechanics.
Contradicting vector meson dominance idea
The vector meson dominance (VMD) idea was proposed during the sixties in order to explain the behavior of interaction of hard photons and hadrons. Comay claimed in 2003 that VMD contradicts special relativity and Wigner's analysis of Poincaré group. Furthermore, Comay claims that his Regular Charge Monopole Theory explains easily these photon-hadrons interactions.
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