Electronics circuit mini project on front door bell

The conventional bell has lots of disadvantages.So lets design a circuit which alerts the user when a person comes.Our bell will work as follows:
when there is someone at home and a visitor comes the front door bell will automatically ring.when there is none inside then the visitor will be told that there is none at home and he is given a provision to record his message. A PIR sensor senses the human presence in front of home and if there is someone inside the home the the calling bell is sounded automatically.If there is no one inside then the visitor is asked through a voice message to record his or her message if there is any.the voice message is recorded to a voice chip At the same time the camera collects the video information and the video information is recorded.The system automatically informs the user about the arrival of a new visitor or message through his mobile phone.The user can retrieve the message from anywhere in the world through his mobile or after coming back home. optional security features can be integrated to this so that if there is any problem in the protected area then the alarm is shouted and the user is informed about the alert condition through his mobile. Gate sensor: Gate sensor is used to sense the presence of a person in front of the gate.here simple interruption technique is used.When someone comes near the gate the laser beam get interrupted. IN Condition: Musical IC:here the musical IC is UM66.The melody will be available at pin 3 of UM66.It has a built in ROM program for playing music. BELL:Bell is to indicate some one in front of the gate and it will be sounded if someone is inside the house.
Monitor:Monitor is used to visualize the image. OUT Condition: Voice chip:Voice chip for recording messages. Record button:It is used to start recording. Off Hook Relay:It is used to bring telephone line to off hook condition. circuit diagram: www.citeindia.com references
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