Electronic Card Payment Network

Electronic Card Payment Network or Shaparak is a company active in the field of bank cards, which was established in 2011 in order to organize the payment system with the participation of Iranian banks.
Tasks and activities
According to Mahmoud Bahmani, former director of Central Bank of Iran Shaparak, he is in charge of governing and supervising Central Bank in the field of standardization, proper distribution and supervision of electronic exchanges in goods and services sales centers.
Internet payments
According to Shaparak's new plan, by the beginning of 2014, the internet payment route will be cut off from banks and accelerated and transferred to Shaparak network. Virtual stores must have obtained a license and a token of trust to transfer their payments through this network.
It is worth mentioning that this action was implemented for the first time in Iran Kish Credit Card Company.
Companies allowed to operate
List of PSP companies allowed to carry out activities including Sadad Electronic Payment, Iran Kish Credit Card, siz pay, Persian Easy Payment, Damavand Electronic Card, Mellat Payment, Pasargad Electronic Payment, Novin Arian Payment, Parsian E-Commerce, Sayan Card, Fan Ava Card, Saman Kish Electronic Payment and Sepehr Electronic Payment (formerly Aria Card).
It is said that the new card payment system has caused the purchases from the sales terminals not to be done immediately and the amounts to be transferred to the account of the sales terminals after a few hours. At first, the implementation of this plan was delayed, which caused dissatisfaction among many sellers.
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