Education Loan Finance

Education Loan Finance also known as ELFI, is an American financial service based in Knoxville, Tennessee. Education Loan Finance is a division of SouthEast Bank, which was established to refinance and consolidate student loan debt. In 2018, ELFI received AAA Ratings on Inaugural Securitization Deal from Standard & Poor's.
Education Loan Finance was launched in 2015 by SouthEast Bank. SouthEast Bank’s parent company Educational Services of America, Inc. has awarded $18 million for scholarships and provide financial literacy to borrowers since its inception. In 2016, the company introduced a state-of-the-art loan application system, designed for borrowers to consolidate outstanding education loans into one single loan.
* AAA rating from Standard & Poor’s, 2018
* AAA rating from DBRS, 2018
* Named one of The 8 Best Student Loan Consolidation Lenders
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