
Ecorates is an alternative currency system designed by European Youth For Action to give people with different living standards equal access to events and subscriptions.
The fee for the yearly activist summer camp Ecotopia and the Greenpepper magazine subscription are being paid in Ecorates.
The Ecorate System
Here is an example of the questionnaire.
Please collect the prices of the following items:
A loaf of bread:
One litre of milk:
One kg of potatoes:
One kg of apples:
One kg of rice:
500g of coffee:
A bottle of (the most famous local) beer in a shop:
A cup of black tea in a cafe:
Pizza margarita in a restaurant:
A plain chocolate bar (100g):
A piece of hands soap:
A single bus ticket in town:
A stamp for a letter for Europe:
One page b/w A4 Photocopy:
Cinema ticket:
A daily newspaper:
Legal minimum wage in your country:
per hour or per month:
Average monthly rent for a simple room your city/town, including electricity and water costs:
Your average food cost per month:
Your average monthly income:
A train ride of :
Thanks for helping the ecorates project!
Ecorates was and is being used in several projects by several groups
Ecotopia Biketour
Global Ecovillage Network(GEN) - Europe
ActionCamp2006 in Luxembourg
The Eclectic Tech Carnival
Travelling School of Life
1st European Natural Building Colloquium 15-22 of August ’04 - PERMALOT
Common Ground meeting in Bulgaria on agriculture, food, alternatives and action
IFS Youth Conference
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