EC-Canadian Vortex

The EliteCrew-Canadian Vortex (often dubbed simply the "EC-Canadian Vortex") is an extraordinary scientific anomaly that, as its name suggests, has been plaguing the Canadian members of the Elite Crew gaming clan since the latter months of 2006. Few facts are actually known about the vortex, and, due to said lack of knowledge, the topic has been subjected to an abundance of speculation and theories.

Known Vortex Facts

Thanks to the use of a minute data transmitter (capable of trans-dimension communications) attached to a advanced-AI-cyborg (which was given a Steam ID and was temporarily allowed to equip the «ÊÇ» tag while playing CSS at its Canadian address), scientists were able to gather a handful of information about the EC-Canadian Vortex when the "bait" was taken. Unfortunately, the horribly unstable environment in which the vortex resides caused the state-of-the-art transmitter to be utterly destroyed after sending only a few packets of data. The vortex is literally not of this world. As a matter of fact, it is not even of this dimension. The vortex creates carefully accurate wormholes through which it abducts new victims, and the wormholes are sealed off almost as soon as they are created. The vortex exposes its victims to excruciating pain beyond human comprehension (quite literally, hell on earth. Just not on earth, mind you) the entire time they are unfortunate enough to be held. The victims are fed false stories and alibis as to why they disappeared (be their disappearance brief or extended), and they believe and recite everything word for word.

Vortex Speculation/Theories

The EC-Canadian Vortex has been the subject of countless scientific debates, but this article will cover only the most commonly argued points. One of the two most speculative aspects of the vortex is its very state of being. Is the vortex a life-form all in its own, or is it something created by an unknown species? Scientists have yet to reach a conclusive answer. The second point regards the purpose of the vortex. Does it plague its victims for the pursuit of knowledge of the human race, or does it simply perform its evil deeds as a sick and twisted mean of entertainment? Whatever the answer, the biggest question of them all comes into play: why is the vortex limited only to such a specific group of people? The conditions that must be satisfied do not necessitate a specific ethnicity, age group, or sex, and are nothing more than, by all scientific reasons, pointlessly unnecessary.
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