
eAbsinthe was the first online retailer of absinthe, starting operations in 1998 with a very small range, expanding in 2005 to cover a range of over 70 absinthe brands from all major sources. From December 2009, it ceased to operate as an online retailer.
Ownership and origins
eAbsinthe is ultimately owned by Green Utopia, the UK company that has played a major role in the recent renaissance of absinthe in Europe and, more recently, the world. Green Utopia is owned and run by .
Starting in 1998, it initially sold Hill's Czech Absinth, which was imported into the UK by Green Utopia. At that stage, it was both a brand marketing site and an e-commerce site.
In 2000, eAbsinthe added the newly-launched La Fée Absinthe, the first absinthe commercially produced in France since the 1915 ban. Since 2004, La Fée has had its own brand and e-commerce site.
Current portfolio
EAbsinthe is no longer an online retailer.
Category innovations initiated by eAbsinthe
It is believed to have been the first e-commerce site for absinthe.
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