E8 investigation tool

E8 Investigation Tools are used to investigate the symmetry and beauty of E8. This page will compare and contrast these emerging tool sets available. Some of these may be exclusively related to E8, others may be linked to the physics theories which link General Relativity (GR) to Quantum Mechanics (QM) in a Theory of everything (ToE).

Elementary Particle Explorer (EPE)
*The Elementary Particle Explorer is an online E8 investigation tool for rotating and examining the particle assignments, charges, and interactions in the standard model and Lisi's E8 Theory. It is a very nice tool for visualizing 2D projections of all 240 particles by using the 8 dimensional axis associated with the E8 vertices.
It is coded in Flash for easy web browser UI, and its interactive projection calculation performance is very good.

* is an interactive E8 investigation tool based on the free Mathematica™ Notebook Player) (* see for screen shots *). The E8Viewer/E8Flyer combination of tools is a very flexible and comprehensive combination. The E8Flyer is coded in Mathematica™ and delivered using the free Mathematica™ Notebook Player (.nbp) format (which requires a rather large installation).
Interactive projection calculations are more sluggish than the EPE. Some asyncronous calculations (e.g. for edges, 2D/3D flight paths) can take minutes. Particle symbol, color, shape, roots are code generated dynamically. This allows the parametric selection/manipulation in the UI. The “Particle Selector” takes advantage of this in order to reference particle(s) based on their symbolic structure.
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