Dysart Sail In Film Festival

The Dysart Sail In Film Festival is an outdoor film festival in Fife, Scotland. The month-long festival culminated in an event which took place on September 11, 2010. The Dysart Sail In Film Festival was Fife's first outdoor film festival that looks set to become an annual occurrence.
The festival was organised by Sarah Daly and Lawrie Brewster of New Age Film Ltd. In conjunction with the Dysart Community Regeneration Forum, with the aim of encouraging independent film production in the area. A set of over 50 workshops in scriptwriting, poetry, film production, acting and more preceded the main event. The works produced in these workshops were published in a booklet and distributed among event attendees. Workshop participants also got the chance to read their pieces at an Indie Showcase, a packed two-hour indoor event before the outdoor screening on September 11.
The outdoor event saw films projected onto a huge white screen, representing a giant sail, hanging over the great quarry walls of medieval Dysart harbour. The show boasted an eclectic programme of locally produced works, made especially for the festival, as well as international short films and an exciting open air opera performance.
Special guests in attendance on the day included ex prime minister Gordon Brown, MSP Marilyn Livingstone and actress/director Cora Bissett.
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