Dwight McBannerson

Dwight McBannerson is a famous beatbox artist who is well known for his work with internationally recognised DJ's MC Kahlid and DJ 'Snakey' Steve. He is one of the world's premiere beatbox artists and has the ability to recreate some of the worlds top hits such as 'Yeah' by Usher, 'Dumb Girls' by Dwight Howard and 'Sagging all day' by MC 'B in the S'.

Early Life

Dwight McBannerson was born on October 16th 1984 in Compton, CA. He grew up in a government assigned housing unit with only stale bread and government cheese to eat along with the occasional other item his mother, Laquisha McBannerson could manage to acquire. They lived in this housing unit until McBannerson was 3 years old. After that, they moved to Richmond, CA and lived in a small house in an okay neighborhood. The elementary school Dwight attended is unknown although it is a fact that he completed at least one year at JC Holy High School on the outskirts of Richmond and played varsity basketball for the school as a small forward, averaging 6.8 points and 11.7 rebounds per game. His stint as an athlete ended when he began using drugs at 17. He was arrested by the police on several occasions, most notably for cocaine in a public toilet with his friend, Shawn Cannon, whilst high on cannabis and possibly drunk as well. However, McBannerson's luck changed when he went to Connecticut, met up with producer Josheph Weinstein and realised his beatboxing talent.

Early Career

McBannerson moved out to Connecticut, leaving his mother and 12 year-old brother, Tarrin 'Spunky' Davidson behind in Richmond. Dwight started performing live in small clubs all over the state and soon had enough money to rent a spacious 2 bedroom apartment in Hartford, CT. His fame grew and grew and he eventually had a chance to perform with a young artist from New York called Mr. Mims. He would later become the platinum selling hip-hop performer Shawn Mims.

European fame

Dwight's amazing beatboxing talents were highly appreciated in Eastern Europe and he went on to win the Rimoczeckj National Unconventional Music award at the Didozak Awards, Southern Latvia's premiere alternative music awards. His 6-track LP was released only in Eastern Europe and was named My life as a Chickenface: A SGR Story.
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