DVLA Number Plates

The current personal number plate retention scheme is functional but not perfect. After much consideration the DVLA are making some changes that will take effect from December 2008.

The retention certificate or V778 to give it it’s official title allows the grantee to extract their cherished registration number from the vehicle without loosing entitlement to the personal number plate.

Previously if the grantee wanted to assign the car registration number to a vehicle registered in another name they had to have a nominee added via the DVLA head office in Swansea. This was a process that often took several weeks and therefore delayed the process of reassigning the registration number.

The change to the procedure will enable the registered keeper of the vehicle to transfer entitlement of the personalised number plate to a named individual but only at the time a vehicle registration mark is placed retention.

In many cases the personal number plates are sold whilst on retention and the new purchaser will still have to wait for the grantee to have them added as a nominee such that they can have the vehicle registration mark assigned to their vehicle.
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