Drunvalo Melchizedek

Drunvalo Melchizedek (born in 1941) is an author and spiritual teacher, who lives in Sedona, Arizona. Melchizedek completed most of a Basic degree in Physics and Mathematics before switching to a fine arts degree which he was awarded in 1970. His fine arts degree was from the University of California at Berkeley, obtained without finishing the course due to clerical errors by the university.
He adopted the name Drunvalo Melchizedek after studying at the Alpha and Omega Order of Melchizedek in Vancouver, Canada.
Serpent of Light - Beyond 2012
Serpent of Light - Beyond 2012 was published in January 2008 by Weiser Books.
This book is a diary of events beginning around the time the Dalai Lama left Tibet, at which time Drunvalo alleges an event began which only occurs once every 13,000 years, the movement of the Earth's Kundalini or Serpent of Light, which had run from the Earth's core to the surface of the earth in the Tibetan Mountains for 13,000 years. He tells of his involvement in a series of events with many indigenous peoples in ceremonies that played a part in facilitating the successful movement of the Serpent of Light to its new home in the high Andes of Chile.
The book describes the emergence of what he calls the Unity Consciousness Grid, and of the callings that drew him and others to play a part in completing it. This grid will play a part in the shift in consciousness that will occur sometime within "The End of Times" window lasting from 2007-10-24, when the Hopi prophecy of the Blue Star was fulfilled , to 2014-10-24 and not necessarily on the date when the wheels of the Maya calendar align on 2012-12-21.
The Unity Consciousness Grid is said to be a network of energetic connections between sacred temples and sites around the globe and special crystals which link them, creating a grid which will support an increasing, shared, "unity consciousness".
Through the years to 2012, the book prophesies a movement to feminine-led consciousness which will last through to the end of the next 13,000 year cycle.
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