Dreamlike pictures

Dreamlike Pictures is a collaborative group in New England and Los Angeles, focused on using very inexpensive consumer analog and digital Point-and-shoot camera technology to capture movies and produce 'no budget' works classed as Experimental film. Attempting to follow in the footsteps of the Free Cinema movement http://en. .org/wiki/Free_cinema, conceived in part by ASC member Walter Lassally http://en. .org/wiki/Walter_Lassally.

The manifesto of the Free Cinema movement was in part:

"As filmmakers, we believe that no film can be too personal.
The image speaks. Sound amplifies and comments.
Size is irrelevant. Perfection is not the aim."

Two examples, ICE and RIDE were both made for under $100 (mostly distribution costs for duplication and mailing) and have together played at over 40 film festivals in North America as experimental short films, winning Woods Hole Film festival (2005), playing at SXSW (2007) Traverse City, 2006,among others, as a demonstration of the technology for 'no cost storytelling' at the invitation of Michael Moore. Longer works borrowing some elements from the Lars Von Trier approach of Dogme 95 cinema are currently in the works.
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