Doc Love

Doc Love (real name Thomas Hodges) is a relationship coach for men.
The primary concept of the teachings of Doc Love is for a man to be a Challenge. Challenge is the most important reason that a woman stays attracted to and chooses to stay in a relationship with one man over another. Challenge is defined as "allowing the woman to do the pursuing".
Other key ideas in "The System" include a list of Male Traits and Female Traits.
Doc Love's additional ideas from his philosophy include bringing salesmanship into the area of dating. One example is "closing the deal" with a woman by getting her home phone number. He teaches his students to assess a woman's Interest Level by placing more importance on her actions than what she says. Interest Level is defined as "degrees of love". Doc Love emphasizes the importance of looking only at the female Interest Level.
Doc Love's stated interest is to improve relationships between men and women, decrease the nation's divorce rate and gradually quell the 'war between the sexes'.
He criticizes other relationship experts for having no understanding of the concepts of Interest Level and Challenge.
Thomas Hodges borrowed the concept of Interest Level from Looking Out for #1 by the libertarian Robert Ringer, who also self-published his bestseller Winning Through Intimidation. Thomas Hodges was inspired by Ringer to self-publish his materials.
In contrast to these other relationship experts Doc Love claims to be a true scientist: "I, in contrast and not realizing it at the time that I was a true scientist, tried a different approach: "Please tell me about the men you chose to stay with, who didn't wine you, dine you, and buy you flowers?"" In "Doc Love - The System (Synopsis)" The System is defined by Doc Love in this way: "To you Psych majors, "The System" is the result of a long-term study of the effects of male behavior on the behavior responses of women toward them, with applications for the male via behavior modification". Ironically, after a while, Doc Love began focusing more on empowering himself to control his own male students and impose on them his unstated interests:
excessive obsession with "Aristotelian" logic of Ayn Rand makes their systems for love and life impractical. Zadeh's Fuzzy Logic expands the logic of Aristotle, rather than replacing it, just as merely compliments Newtonian mechanics where that paradigm lacks explanatory power. Men would be more successful with women if they accept that extreme cases of truth are uncommon in humanities. By claiming that he has a monopoly on truth, Doc Love is ignoring the reality that when it comes to social intelligence, fuzzy logic is closer to the way we arrive at truth.
Science aims at understanding causality so control can be exerted. Changing public attitudes about male behaviour may lead to anti-male laws being passed prohibiting that behaviour (social engineering).
Doc Love resides in Oceanside, California, and he maintains a website that advertises his dating self-help material.
* The System, The Dating Dictionary (2002)
* Mastery Series I (2002)
* Mastery Series II (2002)
* Mastery Series III (2002)
* Mastery Series IV (2012) (only available electronically)
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