Django Unchained is the next film by Quentin Tarantino, likely slated for a release in 2012. After months of rumors of an upcoming Spaghetti Western set in the American South during the time of slavery, or "Southern" as Tarantino has referred to it, photocopies of the script's coverpage confirming the film's existence were leaked late at night on April 29, 2011. Considering Quentin's high regard for the festival and the fact that 5 of his 6 previous films have premiered there, Unchained is likely to premiere at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. Rumored plot and cast Tarantino has been talking for years about making a spaghetti western based in the American South. For the past few months, rumors have increased that such a film would indeed be Tarantino's next. This includes prolific rumors of the inclusion of John Brown, a 19th-century abolitionist of whom Tarantino has expressed great admiration, played by Christoph Waltz of Inglourious Basterds, and focusing on a freed slave turned bounty hunter. Keith Carradine, Franco Nero (of the original ), and Samuel L. Jackson have also been mentioned as possible castmates. ""Django is a freed slave, who, under the tutelage of a German bounty hunter (played by Christopher Waltz the evil Nazi officer in Inglorious Basterds) becomes a bad-ass bounty hunter himself, and after assisting Waltz in taking down some bad guys for profit, is helped by Waltz in tracking down his slave wife and liberating her from an evil plantation owner. And that doesn’t even half begin to cover it! This film deals with racism as I’ve rarely seen it handled in a Hollywood film. While it’s 100 percent pure popcorn and revenge flick, it is pure genius in the way it takes on the evil slave owning south. Think of what he did with the Nazis in Inglorious and you’ll get a sense of what he’s doing with slave owners and slave overseers in this one.” Source: http://blogs.indiewire.com/thompsononhollywood/2011/04/30/tarantino_find_a_title_django_unchained/ Production The final draft of the Django Unchained screenplay was completed by Quentin on April 26th, 2011. It should be noted that there has yet to be an official announcement or start to production, though the film's veracity has been widely reported as confirmed. The title is a reference to both the 1966 by Sergio Corbucci and Sukiyaki Western Django, which was directed by Tarantino's friend Takashi Miike and in which Tarantino had a minor acting role.