Discrimination against superheroes

Discrimination against superheroes is a common theme and plot element in American comic books and superhero fiction, usually as a way to explore the issue of superheroes operating in society or as commentary on other social concerns.
The backlash against superheroes and metahumans in JLA: The Nail series has been compared to the real-life moral campaign against comic book superheroes in the mid-1950s.
A number of fictional superhero universes contain stories about , fictional legislative bills which, when passed into law, enforce the regulation of extra-legal vigilante activity vs. criminal activity, or the mandatory registration of superpowered individuals with the government. For example, in the alternate universe of the Watchmen, first published in 1986, a backlash against superheroes leads to the passage of the "Keene Act", a federal law that prohibits "costumed adventuring" except by superheroes working for the government.
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