Direct Autonomous Authentication

Direct Autonomous Authentication (DAA) is a cybersecurity platform developed by San Francisco-based technology company Averon.
The DAA platform enables secure authentication of a mobile user whilst simultaneously preserving privacy of the user.
The technology was developed in stealth from late 2015, first publicly introduced by Averon in 2018, and featured at the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show as a new technology that combats the increasing threats of cybercrime and consumer account hacking.
In contrast to legacy methods of cybersecurity, the DAA platform bypasses end user actions, and rather than focusing on the authentication of a user's device, DAA instead provides autonomous authentication of a user's mobile phone number, since the mobile phone number continues to be associated with the user even when they lose, destroy or upgrade their mobile phone.
The DAA method uses a proprietary mix of technology developed by Averon that works inside the secure mobile network data pipelines together with encrypted technology already within every smartphone. The combination of these autonomous authentication methods has been described by research analysts as a faster, more secure, and stronger method of cybersecurity than traditional methods.
Blockchain and privacy properties
Blockchain technology incorporated into the DAA platform ensures the privacy of end users. No identifiable personal data is maintained on the platform, therefore public disclosure of one's authentic identity (such as for the purpose of verified social media interactions) is voluntary. DAA technology affords the end user full control over identity disclosure in any given online interaction, which can be controlled by the end user in varying degrees from fully anonymous to fully identified publicly. In cases involving the need for anonymity with regard to an end user's safety, such as in cases of whistleblowers or political activists, the DAA platform's blockchain technology provides a method for both complete anonymity with the option of voluntary verification of limited but often needed data (such as verifying an anonymous user's general location). Thus DAA technology alleviates the heretofore insurmountable challenge of protecting user privacy with the need for authentication.
Use cases
The DAA technology platform was designed to be seamlessly adopted for utilization in a wide variety of industries and use cases in which mobile authentication of users is required.
Since its introduction to the market in 2018, the DAA platform has been recognized by a number of industry groups for its innovation, including winning the Gold prize at the 2018 Edison Awards, a Cybersecurity Excellence Award, and a BIG Innovation 2018 Award.
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