Virtual Phone Line

Virtual Phone Line
is a call forwarding, call diversion service of the company Super Technologies. Either can be connected with social networking like Facebook, personal web dialer, and profile page. Users can buy phone numbers from 50 or more countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and the Americas. These phone numbers belong to the users. They publish them on business cards, and the Internet or give them out in other ways to get the people who are important to them to start calling them.
"The important people" will make a call to a local number (the Virtual Phone Line) and the call will ring on the Virtual Phone Line user's choice of end point: instant messenger, SIP or IAX address (session initiation protocol or asterisk), cell phone or landline. It lets an entrepreneur start his or her own business with even one phone number in a country they are not physically in. It gives the user a virtual presence via direct inward dialing, with just voice or layering with another type of business like gaming, library research, dating service, etc. Others may use it to stay in touch with family and friends while traveling, such as Expatriates and road warriors.
Virtual Phone Line won the Best of Show award in 2001 at Internet World in Los Angeles, California. It also won Internet Telephony Excellence award from TMC in 2009. GroovyTel, a groovy version, won the Pulver Innovation Award in 2008. It is the basis of the Health Management System SMS being included in the finalists of the 2010 Mobile Monday Peer Awards to its inventor Rehan Allahwala.
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