Dinosaurs on Earth Then...and Now 1995

Dinosaurs on Earth: Then...and Now was a science instruction video aimed at a high school audience, made by the National Geographic Society in 1994. Most of the show is missing but some images of the episode remains.
The episode starts by showing changes in the earth and the evolution of life from 4.5 billion years ago to the Triassic Period. The first dinosaur in the episode is an eoraptor hunting a primative mammal. In the Jurassic period it shows a herd of brachiosaurus moving in a forest and a dilophosaurus drinking water during the night time. During the Cretaceous Period the continents resembled their current arrangement. It shows animals like uhtahraptor hunting a iguanodon and a triceratops being hunted by a Tyrannosaurus rex. The episode then discuss about the extinction of the dinosaurs. At the end of the episode it shows a moeritherium showing the rise of mammals.
Later references
Stock Footage from Dinosaurs on Earth: Then...and Now was shown in National Geographic's Really Wild Animals: Dinosaurs & Other Creature Features.
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